Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is a violation of an individual’s human rights. It takes various forms such as slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour and has no place in a modern society.

The our policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.

This document details the steps Resilient and Ready has taken to address modern slavery and is set out under the six headings in keeping with the UK Home Office’s statutory guidance.

Our policy relates to all employees and suppliers. It is particularly relevant to all those responsible for the employment of staff, or procurement from the supply chain.
This statement is made pursuant to UK The Modern Slavery Act 2015 section 54 (1).
Resilient and Ready are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings, putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery acts. The company will not accept any form of modern slavery and encourages our employees and associates to support us in this.
Due to the nature of our business, we assess ourselves to have a low risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chains.
Modern Slavery
We commit to paying our trade colleagues in accordance with the Working Rule Agreement. All other staff are paid at least the UK National Minimum Living Wage.
We endeavour to pay our supply chain promptly and to agreed terms, recognising the benefits of developing long term relationships for the prevention and detection of modern slavery.
Our terms and conditions require our supply chain to adhere to the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, and breaches could trigger contract termination.
We require our supply chain to comply with our policies and values, and the Modern Slavery Policy is made available to them.
We maintain an approved supplier list and any identified breaches of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 will result in a supplier being removed.
To obtain approval a supplier must confirm that:
They take steps to eradicate modern slavery within their business and supply chain.
They pay their employees at least the appropriate National Minimum and Living Wage.
We will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in modern slavery.
We have several policies in place to ensure that business is conducted in an ethical and transparent manner. Many of the company’s existing policies are relevant in ensuring that modern slavery does not occur within the business or its supply chain.
Due diligence processes
Concerns over the potential existence of modern slavery will be taken extremely seriously and investigated in accordance with Resilient and Ready Whistleblowing Policy.
Assessing and managing risk

  • Very few of our immediate supply chain are from outside the UK.
  • Our adherence to the minimum wage and Working Rule Agreement mitigates the risk of short paying employees.
  • There is an element of risk in our second-tier supply chain over which Resilient and Ready has less control.
    Performance indicators
  • We monitor our training statistics to track the delivery of Business Ethics training which incorporates modern slavery.
    All staff are responsible for ensuring that the minimum standards established within this statement are adhered to in line with their specific role and responsibilities.
    All employees will co-operate with any measures introduced to detect instances of modern slavery and report any concerns.
    The Board of Directors is responsible for the maintenance, regular review and updating of our full internal policy.
    Anyone breaching this policy will face disciplinary action, and where warranted this will include dismissal for gross misconduct.
  • Staff that influence procurement decisions are provided with Business Ethics training which incorporates modern slavery.
  • This statement reflects our Modern Slavery Policy. All staff and associates have access to the Full Modern Slavery Policy.